Live USD to MNT Exchange Rates


Wholesale exchange rate updated

Looking for the best USD to MNT rate?

What are USD and MNT currencies?

USD - US dollar

The US Dollar is the currency of United States, and it's also known as American dollars. The currency code for Dollars is USD, and the currency symbol is $.

MNT - Mongolian Tugrik

The Tugrik/Tögrög or tugriks the official currency of Mongolia. It replaced the Mongolian dollar and other currencies and became the sole legal currency on April 1, 1928. The currency code for Tugrik/Tögrög is MNT, and the currency symbol is ₮.

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Other Popular US dollar (USD) currency pairings

GBP - British Pound
One of the most popular USD exchange rate is USD to GBP

INR - Indian Rupee
Other popular USD exchange rate is USD to INR

CAD - Canadian Dollar
Another popular USD exchange rate is USD to CAD

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Understanding the real exchange rate

Reak Exchange Rate?
Banks and other providers often set their own, unfriendly exchange rates. That means that you pay more than you need to.

If you want to know the USD-MNT rate today, compare the real, mid-market exchange rate with what you find on Google or Reuters to understand how much you are actually paying for your transfer.

Free Transfer?
When a money transfer provider says they offer fee free transfers or 0% commission, you should probably look at the exchange rate they offer.

Usually, they add a mark-up to the rate, which makes your international money transfer expensive.

How much does it really cost?
How much a transfer really costs is made up of two things - the fees, and the exchange rate. So make sure you check both.

To see whether you're getting a good deal, look at how much of your money arrives on the other side.

US Dollar to Mongolian Tugrug (USD/MNT) Exchange Rate Table

USD to MNT exchange rate FAQ

How to calculate USD to MNT exchange rate?

Don't forget to check the rates which are offered by your chosen provider against the mid-market exchange rate shown in our currency table, to make sure you're getting a good deal.

When is the best time to exchange USD to MNT?

Each bank and currency exchange service sets its own USD to MNT exchange rate. That means you'll see lots of different rates out there when you start to research the best USD to MNT exchange rate.

To understand the rates available, it's helpful to know the mid-market exchange rate for your currency pair. You can find this from our currency table, or using an online currency converter. The mid-market exchange rate matters because it's the rate banks and currency exchange services get when they buy and sell currency on the global markets. By using the mid-market exchange rate as a benchmark, you can see if the provider has added a markup to the rate they pass on to customers.

Choose a provider which uses the mid-market USD to MNT exchange rate and charges a low, transparent conversion fee, to make sure you're getting the best overall price for your currency conversion.

Save Money on Your Transfer

Banks often add hidden costs to your international money transfer, despite offering a free or low cost transfer option. This is most often done by using less favourable exchange rates than the current mid-market rates. For this reason, it's important that you check the options available to you, so you can avoid overpaying.

Check out our real time comparison tool that will help you find the quickest and cheapest way to transfer your money across borders.


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Remitly Review

If you're planning to send a lot of small amounts of money home to South America, Asia or Africa, then Remitly is a great option.

Oscar Murray
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Last updated
September 27th, 2021