Live USD to RON Exchange Rates


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US Dollar to Romanian Leu (USD/RON) Exchange Rate Table

It's hard to get the best exchange rate to transfer Romanian Leu

Nearly every bank and money transfer company offer a different exchange rate to transfer Romanian Leu.

Hardly any of them offer the best rate you see on Google or XE.

Wise (formerly TransferWise)

Wise is one of the only large, safe and low-cost companies that offer you the real USD to RON exchange rate you see on Google. It's easy and very clear what they are charging you, which means there are no hidden fees.

So how do they make any money? They charge a fee which is clearly explained before you transfer your money.
This way you'll know exactly what your transfer will cost.Wise (formerly TransferWise) logo

  • Avoid using your credit or debit card to pay for your transfer. Sometimes, there are extra card surcharges.
  • Compare the exchange rates and fees of Wise before you start.
  • Make sure you have your ID. You may need it to set up your account.

Learn more about Wise


You can make money transfers overseas within minutes when paying with a debit card and selecting the Express option. Transfers using the Economy option and paying by your bank account will take 3 - 5 business days.

Economy Service - Offers a longer delivery time frame (3 to 5 business days) at lower transfer fees.

Express Service - Offers a much shorter delivery time frame (minutes) at higher transfer fees.

The amount depends on where you're from and where you're sending money to. Exchange rates are shown once you have selected which country and how much you wish to send.

Remitly often offer new customers or first time users promotional rates and fees and if you are an existing customer, available promotions may appear on the green banner at the top of the page.

Learn more about Remitly

Oscar Murray
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Last updated
July 29th, 2021